Our Services
There are exclusive hostel buildings for boys and girls adjacent to the school building
An auditorium measuring 50' x 110' is being built on top of the dining hall for regular School gathering and cultural activities. Here, again, the audience will have an unobstructed view of the stage as there are no pillars in the middle.
Play Grounds
Due to wet weather conditions, particularly during the six months of monsoon, outdoor games may not be possible round the year. Yet, the school has provided for highest standards of synthetic basket ball courts, tennis, badminton, football courts etc.
Solar Heaters
Continuous hot water is on supply in the wash rooms and kitchen throughout the year
Art, Dance and Music are integral parts of the curriculum at DPIRSK. Students are actively encouraged to join clubs and take part in co-curricular activities. They get an opportunity to showcase their talents throughout the year at school assemblies, fortnight events and other events.
The Academic Block
The academic block is a two-storied building with a broad central verandah and a central rectangular courtyard. The classrooms are very spacious. The furniture is specially designed to accommodate only 20 students in an area of 600 sq. ft. Since the teaching and study are in the same classroom, each student is given a separate chair and locker.

Admission Procedure
Application forms can be obtained from the school office during office hours – 8 am to 4 pm – on all the seven days of a week or from school website. The application form duly filled must reach the school with the admission fee of Rs.30,000/- on or before the date mentioned on the money receipt.
Admission will be completed when the student sits for an interview and pays the first installment of fees, and submit the following:
1. 2 passport size photographs
2. T.C (original) or the birth certificate with a photocopy.
3. Original Marks Sheet of the previous exam attended.
4. NRI’s and foreigners should submit the original passport.
5. Cast Certificate (if claimed)
General Instructions
· English is the official language in the campus.
· Students are to be clean and tidy in all respect.
· Any damage done to the school property by any student is to be made good by full payment to cover the loss.
· The students are responsible for the safe custody of their personal belongings.
· Costly articles like gold ornaments, money etc. are not to be given to the students.
· Students are not allowed to make any collection of money, articles etc. without the permission of the Principal. They are not allowed to give gifts to any member of the staff.
· Stealing, physical violence, use of intoxicants etc. are considered as grave offences and students indulging in such activities will face immediate suspension or dismissal.
· Only the Parents / the Guardians can take the children out of the school.
· The School reserves the right to take decision on emergency medical situations.
· The names of the students will be struck off the rolls for the non-payment of fees or any other dues. They will not be permitted to appear for any examinations.
· Eatables brought from outside are not permitted in the school, without specific permission.
· When a student is dismissed from the school, he / she is automatically dismissed from the hostel and vice versa.
· The fees paid will not be refunded.
· Full fees will be charged from the students who discontinue or are made to discontinue during the course of the academic year.
· Students should not bring and use medicines on their own. All the medicines are to be kept with the Resident Nurse.
· The school reserves the right to change or modify the Terms and Conditions from time to time without prior intimation.

Ours is a school of different thought!

Vacations and Holidays
are three vacations: Onam for 2 weeks, sometime in August – September,
Christmas for two weeks in December and Summer for two months, in April and
May. Students are allowed to go home during these vacations. Students can be
transported to and from Cochin.
will be domestic and an international study tours for a week. This is optional.
Besides these, one day outings will be held mostly once a month.
infirmary rooms are available for boys and girls in case any fall sick. The
residential staff nurse takes care of them. Necessary arrangements are made
with nearby hospitals in case of further care.
students can be visited by parents / guardians only on the specified days
mentioned in the school calendar. The persons whose names are entered as
visitors are only allowed to visit the students. It is requested to reduce the
frequency of the visits to avoid the disruption of the acadmic work.
parents can contact their wards on their mobiles on specified days and time
every week. Every child will be given a mobile phone and the number shall be
intimated to the parents after admission or parents can submit a phone to the
school which shall be given to them during the specific time and day of the