About us
A full-fledged and fully residential school in God’s own Country with God’s own people welcomes you!
We understand that choosing a home away from home for your child is one of the most important decisions that you make for the future of your child. We recognize the uniqueness of every child with immense God-given qualities inherent in each one need an environment to discover them and develop them as per one’s attitude and aptitude. And that is our objective to accompany the child to dream big and make her/him understand that the dream will come true with sincere smart work and by taking selective risks.

Middle years
From Middle School, the curriculum takes on a broader facet. It focuses on a subject-based curriculum using meaningful and rich assignments for accentuating the learning experience.
Primary Year
An inquiry based teaching and learning methodology that aims to develop an independent, confident and committed student.
Secondary and Senior
Secondary Year
Subjects may be chosen in any combination that suits their requirements for their University education. Accordingly, there are no fixed subject groups. However, choices will be also influenced by schedules set for the school year.
There are exclusive hostel buildings for boys and girls adjacent to the school building
Meet our Leaders

Fr. Dr. Jose Aikara

Saji P N
De Paul International Residential School, Kerala (DPIRSK), is designed to be a unique school where its students, The De Paulians, would be chiseled and shaped into socially responsible, economically sound and culturally rich citizens of their respective nations.
The academic entity and administrative entirety of DPIRSK will enable each parent to take the most crucial decision in their life: the schooling of their children. That very decision will hold firm against anything that may harm and hamper the education of a child. Such parental pursuits for a different school should necessarily end in DPIRSK as the school is ready to help you know the unknown destiny of your child known.
God bless you all!
Fr. Dr Jose Aikara CM, M.Sc., Ph.D., BD., B.Ed., LLB., MBA
“By education, I mean all-around drawing out of the best in child and man-body mind and spirit” Gandhiji
De Paul International Residential School which is nestled on a lush green hill top quite far away from the din and bustle of city life ensures high quality education which motivates and empowers our students to be lifelong learners and the productive members of the society.
Doctus,Probus,Sanctus is the motto of our school which is extracted from the universal perspective of having a holy ambience of education enriched by excellent means of curricular and cocurricular infrastructure on campus. This natural nurturing will lead each of its young scholars to the much sought after holistic development. Success for all students is ensured at our school by the delivery of an enriching, child centred, balanced and structured curriculum and a whole school focus on student welfare that focuses on the positive recognition of student achievements.
We aim at providing a safe, supportive and academically challenging environment that fosters intellectual competency, openness to growth, loving in nature and commitment to faith and justice. We prioritise dynamism and deem that one should be well prepared to adapt to the global scenario and work on his learning accordingly. This is perhaps why we have introduced a globally advanced curriculum. Besides the usual procedural teaching, we persistently upgrade and update our teaching tools and techniques. From interactive teaching methods to a healthy teacher student relationship, we work around making studies as effortless as possible.
We, therefore, believe that it is imperative that a healthy environment where work, sports, and co-curricular activities will mold our students and spur them on to be the brightest and the best.